Ava’s Story

Ava O’Brien’s all-too-short life ended on 17th September 2022.

Shortly after her first anniversary, Philip Dwyer recorded an interview with her father, Martin.

The resulting video serves not only as tribute to Ava but also a warning to other parents and a historical record of some of what we were put through.

Excess Deaths

The topic of excess deaths was mentioned during their conversation.

This graph of death notices on RIP.ie1Duplicate and foreign deaths removed. begins with January 2021 and compares:

  • the actual number of notices in a month (blue line)
  • with that months pre-pandemic 5-year average (light green line)

The green shaded area highlights the gap between the two. The red line tracks the accumulating number of deaths above that 5-year average.

More on IrelandExcessDeaths.com

  • 1
    Duplicate and foreign deaths removed.