
by Kayla Henry

Parrhesia: meaning boldness or freedom of speech.1Merriam-Webster Dictionary

I wrote this poem to encourage independent thinking. Mainstream media pushes fear and avoids delving deeper into major issues. We deserve the truth, and we owe it to ourselves to take the time to find it. Censorship and propaganda are driving us further away from Freedom, Free Speech, Peace, Independence…It doesn’t just stop at Covid-19.

“Parrhesia” is a poem about governments and media manipulating us for profit. It is also about how fear is used to control the unaware, and how our emotions blind us from the reality that is right in front of us. Patterns throughout history depict authorities controlling the way information is (or isn’t) delivered to different groups in order to get what they want from them: Book burning, censored and selective education, language barriers, emotional manipulation, financial incentives…

We can’t point the finger at one evil genius behind a curtain… but we can see millions (if not billions) of misinformed people with good intentions falling victim to their inability to look at information critically.

We all want what is best for ourselves, our families and loved ones, and yet we do not take the time to find the truth.

Kayla Henry, May 1st, 2021

Read Parrhesia on her website. Other Kayla Henry links.

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