Understanding his role, Miri saw it coming.

It’s sent shockwaves around the anti-vax world today that famed “anti-vaxxer”, and new US Health Secretary, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., has written an op-ed for Fox News encouraging families to receive the MMR vaccine…

Whilst things have not played out exactly as I predicted, they’re not far off, with the general key themes identified being accurate: that RFK is just another actor and deceiver, tasked with winning the trust of the “dissidents” so he can lure them into a trap…

This brings us to the crux of what Kennedy is here to do: challenge the use of “toxic metals” in vaccines…. at a time where vaccine science has finally advanced enough that said metals – used as “adjuvants” to stimulate a stronger immune response – are no longer required…

The establishment actually has everything to gain via this strategy: enticing an increasingly cynical, distrustful public back into the mainstream fold and ensuring they once again “trust the science” by having a “hero” publicly expose the harms of the current generation of vaccines… and then assuring you that this new breed of injection is much safer and you can definitely now safely inoculate your loved ones.

RFK is really very explicit that this is his goal: “I am not “anti-vaccine”. I want safe vaccines.”

And what’s wrong with that position?

Well, first of all, there is no such thing: a powerful chemical injection can never be made “safe”, only “safer”. Some will still get side effects, some of them severe, and some will still die from these effects.

Yet even that is sidestepping a much more critical and fundamental issue: are childhood vaccines either necessary or desirable?

First of all, do they work, and if they do, is what they’re achieving actually something we want to promote?

The answer to these questions – and as any honest researcher eventually finds when they go deep enough into the vaccine vortex – is no, and no…

Read the full piece on MiriAF.co.uk – or listen to her read it on Substack

Brandy Vaughan

Clear. Effective. Ignored. Unknown.


Jonathan Jay Couey continues to expose the ‘meddlers – those misleading us about biology, their intentions and the best way forward. Misdirection and time-wasting seem to be favoured strategies. As is ‘stepping-in-front-of’ …

… which is probably why I’d never heard of Brandy Vaughan. Until Couey pulled back the curtain on Feb 11.

My world view had to be updated. Painfully. Yet again. Largely because one question loomed…

Why haven’t health-freedom, or anti-vax people and organisations, been highlighting and building on all this vibrant woman achieved – in just 6 years – before her untimely death in December 2020?

(video set to start as Couey finishes reviewing some recent evidence of lies and deception, before introducing Vaughan)

Vaughan’s 6-years in context

Here’s Mark Kulacz comparing of RFK’s progress on vaccination with the history of the iPhone. And Brandy Vaughan’s.

More on Brandy Vaughan

Housatonic Live: Brandy Vaughan archive

Young Hearts 63


(Problems with video? Try watching on Bitchute)

Irish interest

@ 8:56 – Derry, baby had stroke days after being born (1yr on, doing well)
@ 9:15 – Cillian Flaherty, 15, Dublin, contestant in “Ireland’s Fittest Family” (rip.ie , Irish Mirror)
@ 25:25 – Jack Cummings, 27, Bangor (Funeral Times)
@ 29:25 – Amy Smyth, 32, Armagh, three heart attacks in 2022, heart failure diagnosis 2023 (Armaghi)

checkur6: Odysee | Bitchute

Lawyers letting us down

Can you help Couey hone his understanding?

Jonathan Jay Couey continues to open my eyes.

He recently began exploring legal language and strategies that would seem both

  1. obvious, and
  2. promising.

Yet, somehow, prominent lawyers such as Robert F. Kennedy Jnr., Mary Holland and Aaron Siri won’t discuss them – even if such discussion were solely for the purposes of discounting them.

In this 27min section of his October 22nd stream, Couey summarised some of his insights and ideas – and asked for lawyers to fact-check his understanding so, even if he’s wrong, at least “we would make progress”

You may know someone who could (and would) do that?

The “STUFF” link on Couey’s main website:

To share that video segment directly from Couey’s streaming site, use this link: https://stream.gigaohm.bio/w/8aaUzowED9NfKMD5wQqexD?start=23m39s&stop=50m39s

Problems with video above? Try this one. (NOTE: will begin at correct moment, but will need to be stopped manually at 50mins 39secs).

Young Hearts 62

Lies and Doublespeak

(Problems with video? Try watching on Bitchute)

Irish interest

@ 0:25 – Irish Times article on excess deaths (archive)
@ 8:35 – 3 year old dies, Belfast (archive)
@ 9:06 – Reid recalled for Northern Ireland double-header (archive)
@ 22:07 – inquest into death of Roy Butler, 23, Waterford, Aug 2021 (report by Louise Roseingrave)

checkur6: Odysee | Bitchute

Jonathan Jay Couey

Presentation 5 to Medical Doctors For Covid Ethics International

Couey’s perspective keeps evolving. So I’m featuring him again.

Video starts just as he begins presenting (scroll back to 0:00 if you want the preamble). Q&A begins approx 1:14:00.


  • Transfection” and informed consent.
  • Steve Kirsch revealed the Robert F. Kennedy ‘trojan horse’ plan.
  • Denis Rancourt and Mike Yeadon becoming questionable.

Issues with the Odysee video?
Try the Rumble original. Or Couey’s own recording.

Jonathan Jay Couey: PubMed| GigaohmBiological.com | Gigaohm.bio | stream.gigaohm.bio

Deaths up 15% on September 2020

RIPcounties.ie counted 2870 death notices for September 2024. This is 15% more than the 2493 in September 2020.

Ah, 2020! The year…

… of the supposedly deadly new virus to which no one had immunity and for which there was, as yet, no miracle transfections to save humanity and…

… when politicians, medics and media never stopped worrying about the numbers dying.

Why are they silent now?

How did September affect your county?